Tension Headaches and Migraines at Murphy Family Chiropractic in Aurora and Centennial, CO

Our chiropractor at Murphy Family Chiropractic in Aurora and Centennial, CO can help you manage your migraines and tension headaches so that you experience less downtime and take fewer pain numbing medications.

Understanding Tension Headaches with Help from Our Aurora and Centennial Chiropractor

Tension headaches are extremely common in adults, with about 80 percent of adults periodically experiencing them, according to WebMD. Tension headaches are typically caused by stress, lack of sleep, hunger and bad posture. They cause a dull pain or pressure around the head and can include tightness and pain in the neck and shoulders. Tension headaches can last anywhere from a few minutes to several days. Our Centennial chiropractor can diagnose your tension headaches and recommend a course of treatment to reduce their frequency.

Understanding Migraines with Help from Our Centennial and Aurora Chiropractor

Migraines are most common in individuals between the ages of 15 and 55, according to Medical News Today. They can be brought on by stress, lack of sleep and bad posture, which is similar to the causes of tension headaches. Migraine pain usually starts on one side of the head. It is typically a throbbing pain that lasts anywhere from a few hours to days.

Additional symptoms include muscle aches, sensitivity to light and sound, exhaustion and difficulty concentrating. Migraines can sometimes be preempted by various symptoms, including blurry vision or blind spots in one or both eyes as well as numbness and tingling in the extremities.

Treating Headaches and Migraines with Our Chiropractor in Aurora

Our chiropractor in Aurora will first determine which type of headache you have then recommend a treatment program to improve your symptoms. Common treatments for headaches include chiropractic adjustments, massage and nutritional guidance. We may also recommend keeping a food and events journey in order to determine if your headaches are caused by any definable triggers.

To schedule an appointment with our Chiropractor in Centennial, call us at 720-708-6890.

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