Drug-Free & Non-Invasive Care for Foot Pain with Our Centennial Chiropractor

Foot pain can occur for a variety of reasons. Anything from tarsal tunnel syndrome (compression of the posterior tibial nerve) to bone fractures to arthritis to referred pain from the spine can lead to pain, tenderness, swelling, numbness, and weakness in one or both of your feet. Plantar fasciitis is one of the more common causes of heel and foot pain, with around 2 million people per year seeking treatment for it. At Murphy Family Chiropractic, our Aurora and Centennial chiropractor, Dr. Tim Murphy, has helped hundreds of Coloradans literally get back on their feet with the use of natural and non-invasive healing methods that use the body’s own innate healing powers to resolve pain and restore function.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

The bottom of your foot is made of a thick band of connective tissue. This is called the plantar fascia. It’s responsible for helping you maintain the arch of your foot and absorb forces imposed on your body as you walk, run, jump, and perform other weight bearing activities in your daily life. If this connective tissue becomes inflamed and irritated, then you can be said to have plantar fasciitis. The chief symptoms include:

  • Heel and foot pain
  • Tenderness and tightness along the bottom part of your foot
  • Pain that worsens after you’ve been standing for a long time
  • Pain that’s worse after you’ve been sleeping or sitting for a while and then stand up

How Do I Get Plantar Fasciitis? 

Any type of abnormal force, movement, or posture can lead to excessive strain and inflammation in the plantar fascia and thus lead to this condition. If you “do too much too soon,” are overweight, use improper footwear, or in general over train, you may begin to develop symptoms. People with inflexible ankles and tight calf muscles, as well as people with very high or very low arches, may also be at a greater risk for developing plantar fasciitis.

What Can My Centennial & Aurora Chiropractor Do for Me if I Have Plantar Fasciitis?

Our Centennial and Aurora chiropractor, Dr. Murphy, will look at your whole body from head to toe to determine what factors are contributing to your symptoms. Based on the results of his physical examination, testing, and history taking, he’ll devise a custom treatment plan to help resolve your plantar fasciitis, which typically includes stretches, manual therapy, joint mobilizations, pain relieving and tissue healing modalities including cold laser therapy and deep heat ultrasound, and body mechanics re-training.

Do you have plantar fasciitis and are looking for an effective solution to your pain? Schedule an appointment with our sports chiropractor in Centennial today by calling Murphy Family Chiropractic at 720-708-6890.

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