Research continues to show that sitting excessively can contribute to chronic disease, worsen your quality of life and even shorten your lifespan. Yet, many countries are still only advising their residents to get regular exercise, while ignoring the importance of increasing overall daily movement

Exercise — the type that gets your heart rate up and causes you to break a sweat — is important, but we now know it’s not the whole picture. It is becoming increasingly obvious that we need to exercise less and move more.

It sounds simple enough — get up out of your chair and start moving. Yet, it’s all too easy to get engrossed in your deskwork, stuck in your commute, or cuddled up on your couch — and before you know it you’ve amassed 8, 10 or more hours in a sedentary position.

Simple changes throughout your day can also add up to less time spent sitting and more time moving. Walk while you’re talking on the phone, stand up while you watch television (or do a few jumping jacks or burpees during the commercials), park in the outskirts of the parking lot and take the stairs whenever you can.

Finally, when you do sit, swap out your chair for an exercise ball, which requires you to engage your core muscles and helps improve balance and flexibility. If all else fails and you find yourself in a prolonged sitting situation — fidget! It appears to help offset the mortality risk that comes with excessive sitting.

Dr. Murphy has some great ball exercises and always happy to share them with you!!

— source:

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